Anxiety Counseling Spokane, WA

Here at Mindful, we offer anxiety counseling services in Spokane, WA that utilize evidence-based techniques to help individuals manage and overcome their anxiety.

Online Anxiety Counseling Spokane, WA

Are you feeling anxious about various aspects in your life? If so, you’re not alone. Many people experience anxiety throughout their lives. Anxiety is a common mental health issue that can interfere with daily life and prevent individuals from reaching their full potential. The good news is that Mindful provides the anxiety counseling Spokane, WA residents are looking for.

The experienced counselors here at Mindful will work with you to understand the underlying causes of your anxiety and develop strategies to manage your symptoms. Through a combination of talk therapy, cognitive-behavioral techniques, and mindfulness practices, patients can learn to navigate their anxiety and lead a more fulfilling life. If you are experiencing anxiety, we are here to provide the support and guidance you need.

What Is Anxiety?

The American Psychological Association defines anxiety as a mix of emotional factors (tension and worried thoughts) and physical factors (like increased blood pressure). Anxiety typically focuses on a nebulous future threat, such as getting sick and becoming unable to provide for yourself, instead of an immediate problem.

Occasional anxiety is normal in humans. If you’re expecting to lose a job for example, some emotional concern over that is natural. Persistent anxiety may be a symptom of a different problem.

How Anxiety Affects You

Anxiety affects your body in many ways. Most people experience one of the common anxiety disorders (which we’ll discuss in a moment), which can impact your body. Otherwise, common symptoms of anxiety include things like:

  • Difficulty concentrating on tasks

  • Sleep problems

  • Irritation

  • Persistent feelings of worry

Common Anxiety Disorders

Here are some of the most common anxiety disorders.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized anxiety disorder is a persistent feeling of anxiety that can interfere with regular life but doesn’t have a clear cause. Generalized anxiety disorder can last for months or years at a time. People who think their life is good, but are still stressed and anxious about things, could be experiencing this.

Panic Disorder

Panic disorder involves frequent and unexplained panic attacks. Most people experience the occasional panic attack for no discernible reason, which some think is our body’s way of testing things to ensure they’re working. However, frequent panic attacks usually have a different cause.

Social Anxiety Disorder

Social anxiety disorder is an overwhelming fear of interacting with other people. Social anxiety disorder can make it impossible to finish basic life tasks like work or education. People with a social anxiety disorder may experience stomach aches when around others, have difficulty making eye contact, or have intense feelings of self-consciousness.

Phobia Disorders

Phobias are intense aversions to specific situations or items, usually out of proportion to any threat those things may pose. A phobia can cause constant anxiety or stress due to the fear of encountering it in otherwise-normal situations.

For example, many people will do anything to avoid public speaking, even if they’re fine in one-on-one conversations. Some people’s fear of speaking is so strong that they avoid any job where they may be asked to give a presentation during a meeting, which can slow down their career.

Separation Anxiety Disorder

Separation anxiety is a severe concern about being separated from people. People with this may have difficulty being in a different room than anyone they’re attached to, as well as persistent nightmares about the loss.

For a real-world example of this, many dogs experience separation anxiety when their human family members are gone. This is why some people suggest owning at least two dogs at a time, as having company can significantly reduce the stress and anxiety they experience.

Selective Mutism

Selective mutism isn’t strictly an anxiety disorder, but it can show up in people who have them. In summary, selective mutism is when people don’t speak in social situations even though they have normal language skills. For example, someone with panic disorder and selective mutism may be unable to talk while having a panic attack.

What If You Don’t Treat Your Anxiety?

Treating anxiety is important. Potential consequences of untreated anxiety include disabilities, reduced ability to work, and an increased risk of suicide. Anxiety is often persistent until you can find and address the root cause of it, and even emotionally durable people can find themselves faltering under the weight of months or years of constant stress.

How Anxiety Counseling Can Help

Searching for “anxiety counseling near me” is a great first step toward getting the help that counseling can provide. Counseling is a personalized approach where a trained expert will talk with you about what you’re experiencing and help identify the best way to approach it.

Anxiety has many possible causes, from hormonal imbalances to genetic conditions. Some people are predisposed to anxiety from birth.

Many people find that cognitive-behavioral therapy is effective for treating their anxiety. In this process, you can learn to understand how thoughts contribute to anxiety and when you can deliberately try to think of something else to reduce the impact of anxiety on your life. You may also learn specific behavioral techniques to eliminate a particular fear.

Another approach is called group psychotherapy. As the name suggests, this involves bringing several people with anxiety together. Group care can help you understand that you’re not alone, and seeing other people working to overcome their anxiety can be very motivating.

Family psychotherapy can be helpful when a whole family is dealing with the effects of anxiety. Children and adolescents often benefit from this, especially when they have a chance to try and explain their feelings in ways they haven’t been able to before.

Most anxiety disorders are treatable through some combination of counseling, therapy, and medication. Our experts have the training and knowledge to accurately identify your specific needs and create a customized plan to help you.

Who Counseling Is For

Anxiety counseling is for everyone. Many therapists who work in this area specialize in dealing with anxiety and have more training and techniques than general care providers. Counseling is available through a wide range of healthcare plans and providers, including for people with limited incomes.

Depending on your situation, you may even be able to attend therapy sessions through video conferencing rather than having to visit an office. The anxiety counseling Spokane, WA residents are looking for is just a few clicks away.

Get started now

Getting started with Mindful is an easy to follow three-step process.

Illustration of a counselor talking with a patient through the phone

Take Control Of Your Anxiety Today

If left untreated, anxiety can have a significant impact on one's mental, emotional, and physical well-being, but with the right support and tools, it is possible to manage and overcome this condition. Seeking help from a professional anxiety counselor can be a crucial step towards improving your quality of life. 

Anxiety is a real issue, and you can’t solve it just by toughing it out or waiting for it to vanish. Fortunately, Mindful is here to provide you with the tools and strategies you need to overcome your anxiety and set your life on a better path.

If you reside in the Spokane, WA area and struggling with anxiety, the team here at Mindful is ready to provide you with compassionate and effective counseling services. We offer virtual counseling sessions that can be accessed from the comfort of your home, making it easy to prioritize your mental health.

If you or someone you know is struggling with anxiety, take action today and contact our team to schedule an appointment and begin your journey towards healing and wellness. Do not hesitate to reach out and take the first step towards a happier, healthier life you deserve.